Choose To Have a Good Day

Being the best me is an everyday process. So from day to day it can vary. Today I woke feeling rage deep down inside of me but I had to decide to chose to have a good day. So for about 2 hours I had this fight inside of me that was an old feeling trying to come back. It was just my emotions getting the best of me.  So I did some deep breathing and kept reminding myself that TODAY I chose to have a good day. Before I know it I was feeling just fine. We have to manage, maintain, control, and capture these types of days when they arrive. Don't give in to the negative thoughts. Continue to be the best you that you can be and chose to have good days.

When Your Day Doesn't Go Well

What happens when your day doesn't go so well and you think about giving up? You might think to yourself what's the use? Every time I think things are working out or getting better some thing else arises. Well I say fight back with attacking the issue, problem or situation.  How you do that is by maintaining the joy that you posses with in and not letting life take it from you. Seek joy everyday and not happiness because happiness depends on your emotions. Joy is a state of mind that is chosen by you and you diced to have joy. Take it one day at  a time and continue to be the best you the best way you know how.